Planning a Bellevue home improvement project? Remember your HVAC system!
Home improvement projects are a great way to enjoy more square footage, increased home value, and an updated living space in Bellevue, Washington. However, during the planning stages of any home addition or renovation, it’s also important to consider your current HVAC system and how your new space will affect its efficiency. Because HVAC systems should be matched to your home in terms of capacity and function, determining whether your current system is up to the task of heating and cooling your addition is an integral step in the design and construction process.
HVAC capacity and efficiency
Each HVAC system features a specific capacity, which governs the size of the space it can comfortably heat and cool. When you ask your HVAC system to maintain a temperature in a larger space than it is meant to service, it will strain to meet your needs, increasing the chances of a breakdown, speeding up wear and tear, consuming more energy, and diminishing home comfort. Any time you add climate-controlled square footage to your home, including extending your HVAC system into a garage, attic, or basement that was not previously heated or cooled, it’s a good idea to contact a professional for a home energy audit and an HVAC assessment to ensure your current system is capable of meeting your new needs. If the space in which you want heating and cooling exceeds your current HVAC system’s capacity, it’s beneficial to explore your options for new system installation to match your heating and cooling system with the new needs of your updated home. Even if you won’t be adding space, it’s a good idea to work with your HVAC service to make sure heating and cooling registers are placed appropriately in any room you plan to renovate. This will ensure your new space is comfortable and your HVAC system doesn’t experience added strain by changing the optimal configuration of your ducts.
Post-project cleaning
HVAC and duct cleaning are a great way to renew your HVAC system for greater efficiency and reduced risk of breakdown, while also improving the quality of the air inside your home. Following any home renovation, addition, or other project that involves demolition or construction, HVAC cleaning and duct cleaning can help to eliminate construction dust and debris from the air you breathe. Oftentimes, this dust and debris can easily circulate through your home during the project, regardless of whether your HVAC system is operating or not. When this debris settles into your ducts or on your HVAC appliances, it can affect function and indoor air quality, no matter how thoroughly you or your contractors clean your home after the project is through. Professional HVAC cleaning and duct cleaning will completely eliminate construction dust and debris from your system for a clean, healthy, and efficient home.
If you’re planning any type of home project this spring, our HVAC experts can help you make sure your heating and cooling system is up to the task. We are pleased to offer services that include home energy audits, air duct cleaning, and new product installation so you can enjoy the indoor comfort you expect in every area of your home. Request an appointment online or give us a call for HVAC tune-ups in Bellevue today.